Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Kill the Noise - Black Magic EP

     Today, Kill The Noise dropped the Black Magic EP that I know some of you have need waiting for and of course I had to get it. So here's my review of it.
     As I mentioned in the previous post, I went to go see Knife Party and Kill The Noise this past Friday so naturally Kill The Noise played the tracks of his EP but I couldn't really identify the tracks and didn't know if they were remixed or not. The EP is good all around, has its grimy filthy dubstep with tracks like Black Magic (Kill The Noise pt. 2) and Jump Ya Body; and song also calmer tracks like Thumbs Up and Saturn. There are no tracks on the EP that I don't like. 
     If you're already a fan of Kill The Noise you love this album, if haven't heard of him first off where have you been, and second you gotta get on this wagon. Kill The Noise is going to get a lot bigger in this scene and with these new tracks there is no question about it. 

Preview and Buy It Here 

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